One of the most sustainable things we can do is to take good care of what we have, and to invest in well-made products that are designed to last.
Long life expectancy
At Rationel, we work hard to ensure all our products enjoy a life expectancy, with minimal maintenance. Every detail makes a difference when it comes to ensuring longevity, which is why we carefully select frame components and finishes with durability and environmental impact in mind. We use natural materials with proven long term performance, and deliberately design our products for eventual disassembly. This means that 93% of the components in a Rationel window can be recycled, significantly reducing environmental impact.

Quality and durability
We take pride in the quality, durability and sustainability of our windows and doors, and continuously test our products to ensure they maintain the highest industry standards. Our extensive testing programme covers water and air tightness, wind resistance, resistance to forced entry, thermal and acoustic insulation, and safety. Our comprehensive test data provides reassurance and proof of our performance claims, and only two of the tests we undertake are mandatory. This emphasises our commitment to the quality of our products, and underlines their reputation as a good long-term investment.
Impressive warranties
We are proud of the quality of our products, and confident they will perform as expected. This is demonstrated by the warranties we provide for our windows and doors, including 10 years for alu-clad products and five years for all-timber frames and doors.

Windows and doors which give back
Sustainability is also about taking good care of shared resources and giving back to society. As a manufacturer, our commitment to sustainability includes giving back – by planting trees, through recycling initiatives, and by supporting the communities in which we work, and which use our products.